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faketables offers dbWriteTable() as a convenient way to write modified data back to a data source.

In the below example, dbConnect() and dbDisconnect() should produce a DBI Connection Object and disconnect from that database, respectively. The database connection and disconnection is not required to be within the observe statement; the only requirement is that the connection passed to dbWriteTable be an active DBIConnection object.

f_tab <- faketables::faketable()

ui <- shiny::fluidPage(
  shiny::actionButton('db_write', 'Write to DB')

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  f_tab <- faketables::faketablesServer(f_tab)
    con <- dbConnect()
    faketables::dbWriteTable(con, 'table_name', f_tab)
  }) |>

A more complete example using the same Favorite Pizza Places app can be found here.